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Where Service Comes Before Sales...

Tristar Computer Services Ltd. offers a Total Computing Solution Computer Repair Service. We cater our services to your needs and provide the best solutions.

Categories: Blog, slider, tristar

We can create for you whatever type of site for personal, corporate or business use, which is both easy to use and manage and can be upgraded and expanded.

Categories: Blog, slider, tristar

Businesses and individuals rely on their computers to stay connected and conduct their business.

Categories: Blog, slider
  • Επικοινωνία

    Tristar Computer Services Ltd.
    12C&D Romanou str.
    Nicosia 1070, Cyprus
    Tel: +357 22 376001
    Contact us
  • Που Βρισκόμαστε

  • Tristar is…

    • Proud Authorised Toshiba Reseller for Cyprus
    • Proud Panda Security and Antivirus Member Cyprus
    • Lenovo, HP, ACER, Dell, Apple, Fujitsu Cyprus Service Support
    • Microsoft, Adobe and Google Software in Cyprus